Well I for one feel think this whole black tax won’t really be better reason being that right now times are very much tougher than before in the South African economy and young people are sitting at home and unemployed but yet when they get that little paying job they still expected to provide. I believe that it will only get worse from here and not better.

Besides my point of view on this I also got to chat with my friends about this topic and their responses were quite interesting and different.

The first one said that he thinks black tax can be better only if the people who are paying it can be given tax relief by SARS if they can prove that indeed they are taking care of their families, same way they give out relief for medical aids or donations made to Ngo and churches.

The second one said that it can be better only if the individuals experiencing it sits the family down and lets them know how much they can afford to give them and look past the emotional blackmail that comes with telling them that because either way they will still demand more if one doesn’t draw a line.
The third one said that it can be better if they turn the burden into something that can create a source of income for the family, basically teach them how to make their own money.

For example, instead of giving them all the money take some of the money and save it then create a small business with that money, businesses such as building backrooms and renting them out or selling something whether it be making a bunny chow in the townships. That way at least it will ease the burden. Also make them understand that they should make sure whatever start-up they gave them boosts them because they will be living off that hustle.

In 2017 a masters student at the University of Pretoria did a research on this topic of black tax and one thing that was mentioned in that report is that according to Bucx et AL. (2010) parents invest in their children in hopes that they will later take care of them, they have high expectations for getting returns, in simple terms ” they expect the rewards they provide to their children to be reciprocated, although not in the same way.”
[for more information on this project here is a link https://repository.up.ac.za/bitstream/handle/2263/59861/Magubane_Black_2017.pdf

The best thing to do in the face of all this is stop fighting and actually start working. We need more good guys like myself who understand that while there are people out here saying “what about us?” – we have enough shit happening around our country right now, but they’re going unaddressed at the top level. massive income redistribution through government giveaways which has hurt jobs just as much as it helped them get theirs; mass incarceration policies (not my favorite because I think some folks should work instead of paying off debt).

Strategies for Building Wealth

Building wealth is an important step towards achieving financial freedom. There are several strategies for building wealth, including investing in stocks, bonds, real estate, and index funds.

It is also important to practice good money management and budgeting. This will help you stay on track with your financial goals and ensure you are making the right decisions with your money.

Finally, it is important to practice self-discipline and stay motivated. This will help you stay focused on your goals and prevent you from giving up. Remember, wealth inequality is an issue that affects all of us, and it is up to us to work together to create a more equitable and just society.


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